Getting your customized application will give you following advantages
>> Unlimited pages or Product
>> Easy to customize
>> Push notification
>> Regular update
>> Get user response
>> Images , video and Download section.
>> Interactive creative color theme.
>> Send notification in single click regarding update or New product.
>> Play store optimize according to google policy
>> Get orders from application online
>> SMS
>> Create Categories and Sub-categories
>> Create User Groups
>> Define User Permissions

It Gives the User an Easy to Understand and Operate User Interface
The Application can be modified to suit a particular user by using a cloud base dashboard
Admin Can send message that pops up on a mobile device and display messages even when user screen is locked.
It Allows you to send personalized updates to your Existing customers or New Users .
Expert DevelopersOur dynamic and vibrant team of experts work on all latest development platforms, tools and industry standards to deliver high-performance products.
Competitive PricingWith Mobiers, you get the true value for your money. Our highly cost-effective and reliable services ensure that you receive the highest return on your investment.
ISO 9001 ProcessesThe development processes implemented at Mobiers follows ISO 9001:2015 standards that ensures high-performance execution during the entire project cycle.
Proven MethodologiesThe experience of working with a diverse client-base and latest technologies has enabled Mobiers to adopt best practices and proven methodologies.